
Félix López

Everything is going to be OK.

I would have never thought that we were going to find ourselves in a situation like the one we are living at the moment. I went to work after a sleepl...

Manuel Catalán

History of Fama designs (1998-2008).

It is interesting to look back and see the number of designs that are still current in the Fama catalogue. All these designs were born from the imagin...

Antonio Hernández

We don’t know what we have, until we need it. Thanks Fama Pekes!

Peekaboo!!! Sweetie!!! Treasure!!! and many more sounds and affectionate expressions of love, combined with millions of faces in which I always keep a...

Prácticas en Fama

Venimos de una generación que ha crecido escuchando a sus profesores decirles que iba a ser muy difícil encontrar trabajo de lo que te gusta, que po...

Félix López

¿Puedo permitirme tener un sofá Fama en casa?

Cuando se toma la decisión de comprar un sofá, el primer paso siempre suele ser buscar en internet o en revistas de decoración para ver algún mode...

Manuel Catalán

Evolution of the Fama logo.

Fama’s logo has evolved over the years since the company started in the 70's. It is curious to discover the origin of the name Fama, which is due to...